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Garnison Military Pub

+380 (98) 408-83-... show phone
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270 m to subway show
day off more
2023.07.06 Data updated
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  • phone not responding
  • no org here already
  • another mismatch



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Garnison Military Pub

The first military pub founded by the group of friends from the Legio 5 special forces unit. Within our walls, everyone will feel like at home with their best friends, and defenders and volunteers will receive maximum attention and care.

You can discuss business in a small circle in the silence of separate rooms or spend an evening with the company during live performances by musicians and stand-up comedians, where we hold charity auctions and raise funds for the needs of the units.

🔸15 varieties of Ukrainian craft and imported beer on taps
🔸Rich menu: burgers, pizza, steaks and much more
🔸Wine list from all over the world
🔸Original and classic cocktails

30% discount for the expand

Garnison Military Pub (Kyiv) - Restaurants, Bars, pubs located in Kyiv by address: Khreshchatyk, 15/4, Пасаж, Downtown, near subway Nezalezhnosti Square, Pecherskyi district, Right bank, near subway Khreschatyk. Garnison Military Pub provides such services: Free Wi-Fi, burgers, wine, European cuisine, and other.

today Garnison Military Pub works on schedule: day off. This business has no reviews yet on Locator, but you can help other users by leaving a review if you have experience with this organization.

You can connect with Garnison Military Pub by following telephone number: +380 (98) 408-83-90(на этом номере есть: Viber, Telegram).

This company's data on Locator was updated 312 days ago.