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Locator Kyiv Podological center Shevchenkivskyi district Center for Contemporary Podology Goltsberg

Center for Contemporary Podology Goltsberg

+380 (67) 408-42-... show phone
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Kyiv, Street Velyka Vasylkivska, 2 Вход с бульвара Тараса Шевченка, 1
460 m to subway show
09:00-19:00 more
2020.10.22 Data updated
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  • phone not responding
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Center for Contemporary Podology Goltsberg

Ukrainian-Israeli Center for Contemporary Podology Goltsberg
Feet in impeccable condition is a sign of beauty, health and well-being. But, unfortunately, due to the tense rhythm of life and eternal employment, we put off taking care of the legs on the back burner, and we catch ourselves when the situation gets out of control: coarse skin appears on the sole, and the nails become deplorable. If you are faced with similar problems, we recommend that you undergo treatment with a podiatrist, get valuable advice and recommendations on the care of nails and feet.
It is recommended to make an appointment with a podiatrist in Kiev if you are faced with a certain range of problems:
-Fungal expand

Center for Contemporary Podology Goltsberg (Kyiv) - Podological center located in Kyiv by address: Velyka Vasylkivska, 2, Вход с бульвара Тараса Шевченка, 1, Downtown, near subway Lva Tolstogo square, near subway Palats Sportu, Shevchenkivskyi district, Right bank, Bessarabska ploscha. Center for Contemporary Podology Goltsberg provides such services: non-surgical ingrown nails correction, nail fungus treatment, treatment of onychodystrophy of nails, antifungal therapy, and other.

today Center for Contemporary Podology Goltsberg works on schedule: 09:00-19:00. This business has no reviews yet on Locator, but you can help other users by leaving a review if you have experience with this organization.

You can connect with Center for Contemporary Podology Goltsberg by following telephone number: +380 (67) 408-42-14(на этом номере есть: Viber), +380 (44) 361-46-31, +380 (63) 246-31-05.

This company's data on Locator was updated 1298 days ago.