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Locator Zhytomyr Guest houses Bohunskyi Raion Recreation center "Hutorok Chudodeevo"


Recreation center "Hutorok Chudodeevo"

Guest houses, Hotels, Restaurants, Paintball, Baths, Tennis courts & clubs
+380 (50) 463-18-... show phone
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Zhytomyr, Street Lisova, 47
00:00-23:59 more
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Additional: guest's parking
Internet Access
Round The Clock
Rooms: 24
Room Service
Restaurant In The Hotel
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Recreation center "Hutorok Chudodeevo"

The hotel and restaurant complex "Khutorok Chudodeevo" is located on the lake, surrounded by coniferous forests, 15 km from Zhytomyr. In the closed territory of the complex there are comfortable wooden cottages of the Junior Suite and Suite categories. The interior is made in a folk style using natural materials. It offers a wide selection of entertainment and opportunities for outdoor activities: hiking, cycling, boat, catamaran, swimming in the lake, fishing, equipped outdoor areas for playing football, volleyball, tennis, paintball; during the winter, skiing, sledding and horse riding. Separately equipped playground. On the territory of the complex there is an apiary "Pchelandia". It expand

Recreation center "Hutorok Chudodeevo" (Zhytomyr) - Restaurants, Baths, Hotels, Tennis courts & clubs, Guest houses, Paintball located in Zhytomyr by address: Lisova, 47, Bohunskyi Raion, Богунія. Recreation center "Hutorok Chudodeevo" provides such services: Authors cuisine, guest house, Home cuisine, European cuisine, and other.

today Recreation center "Hutorok Chudodeevo" works on schedule: 00:00-23:59. This business has no reviews yet on Locator, but you can help other users by leaving a review if you have experience with this organization.

You can connect with Recreation center "Hutorok Chudodeevo" by following telephone number: +380 (50) 463-18-64 .