LOOKING FOR WHOSE NUMBER +380 (48) 728-82-88?
Locator knows!

Locator is a marketplace of services nearby, as well as a huge database of companies that provide these services. We know to whom the phone number +380 (48) 728-82-88 belongs or belonged. See information about the number owner company below.

This number is provided by several companies or branches, below we show only the first of them. If you interested in its full list, please, write us and we'll implement this feature.


During the time that has passed since the number 0(48)728-82-88 was added to our database, the owner may have changed, so the information may be out of date. See below in the contact information block for data relevance.

Legal information

Information about the number 380487288288 is obtained from an open source, and therefore refers to information with open access. If this is your personal number and you use it for private communication and want it to be removed from our service, please contact us via the feedback form.

Number writing formats possible for 0487288288

As a rule, there is no single standard for writing a phone number, and if there is, then few people follow it. Different countries may have different formats for writing numbers. Next, we show in which formats this number can be specified: 0487288288, 380487288288, 0(48)728-82-88, 0(48)728-8288


+380 (48) 738-53-... show телефон
build route
Odesa, Street Маразлиевская, 14а вход в арку (код - 38), первая дверь слева
08:30-17:30 more
2020.09.16 Data updated
оцінка 1.0 from 5 based on 1 review
report about...
  • phone not responding
  • no org here already
  • another mismatch

1 review


Customized logistics solutions for an efficient economy
Creation of individual solutions, implementation of intelligent logistics and representation of the interests of the cargo owner at all stages of the safe supply chain when organizing the transportation and delivery of goods to the specified place exactly on time in order to reduce economic risks and costs for Consumers


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Офис компании закрыли.

The container transporting abroad

PLASKE JSC (Odesa) - Freight forwarding, Transportation of oversized cargo, The container transporting, Cargo Transportation by Water, Sports ticket office located in Odesa by address: Маразлиевская, 14а, вход в арку (код - 38), первая дверь слева, Centre, Prymors'kyi Rayon, Lanzheron. PLASKE JSC provides such services: bus tour, ski tour, customs clearance, exotic tours, and other.

today PLASKE JSC works on schedule: 08:30-17:30. According reviews on Locator this business has following rating 1.0 (as much as possible - 5), which is based on 1 reviews, and the last review was left 10-09-2020 (1358 days ago).

You can connect with PLASKE JSC by following telephone number: +380 (48) 738-53-85, +380 (48) 728-82-88.

This company's data on Locator was updated 1352 days ago.