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Vet Clinic Cot Barbos

+380 (98) 842-57-... show phone
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1200 m to subway show
09:00-21:00 more
2020.06.01 Data updated
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Vet Clinic Cot Barbos

At the heart of our center is a simple foundation - adherence to the principles of evidence-based medicine. We love animals very much, and we truly care for each patient. Our doctors are constantly raising their level by attending various conferences and seminars. We strive to provide a comfortable life for owners of a variety of animals. Our goal is to prove that despite the high pace of life and constant employment, animal owners can live in harmony with their pets, without feeling any restrictions in the implementation of their plans and desires. Being owners of animals ourselves, we are intimately familiar with the various situations that arise in the process of living with them in a expand

Vet Clinic Cot Barbos (Kyiv) - Vet clinics, Veterinary care at home, Pet Shops, Vet pharmacy located in Kyiv by address: Anny Akhmatovoyi, 33, near subway Poznyaky, Poznyaky, Darnytskyi district, Left bank, Poznyaky-Osokorky. Vet Clinic Cot Barbos provides such services: veterinary vaccination, veterinarian, veterinarian gynaecologist, vet anesthesiologist, and other.

today Vet Clinic Cot Barbos works on schedule: 09:00-21:00. This business has no reviews yet on Locator, but you can help other users by leaving a review if you have experience with this organization.

You can connect with Vet Clinic Cot Barbos by following telephone number: +380 (98) 842-57-21, +380 (44) 592-40-94.

This company's data on Locator was updated 1439 days ago.