Atelier "Lady Fashion"

Dry cleaning, Clothing repair atelier, Clothing tailoring atelier, Shoe repair, Clothing tailoring and repair atelier
+380 (97) 599-24-... show phone
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Kyiv, Street Petra Kalnyshevskogo, 7 3 секция вход со стороны больницы
10:00-17:30 more
2024.04.09 Data updated
оцінка 5.0 from 5 based on 1 review
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Outerwear tailoring

outerwear tailoring



Shoe repair

Clothing repair

Atelier services

Dry Cleaning/Laundry


1 review

Atelier "Lady Fashion"

From the company Atelier" Pani Fashion

"Sewing of women's and children's clothes, clothing repair. Repair of leather and fur products. Rent of children's carnival costumes. Dry cleaning services."


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Прекрасное Ателье, профессиональные мастера,особый подход к каждому клиенту. Советую!

Atelier "Lady Fashion" (Kyiv) - Dry cleaning, Shoe repair, Clothing tailoring and repair atelier, Clothing tailoring atelier, Clothing repair atelier located in Kyiv by address: Petra Kalnyshevskogo, 7, 3 секция вход со стороны больницы, Minskyi, Obolonskyi district, Right bank, Shevchenko Square. Atelier "Lady Fashion" provides such services: clothing design, changing clothes, fitting clothes according to the figure, shoes painting, and other.

today Atelier "Lady Fashion" works on schedule: 10:00-17:30. According reviews on Locator this business has following rating 5.0 (as much as possible - 5), which is based on 1 reviews, and the last review was left 23-02-2021 (1179 days ago).

You can connect with Atelier "Lady Fashion" by following telephone number: +380 (97) 599-24-63 , +380 (95) 509-25-41 , +380 (97) 886-05-91 .

This company's data on Locator was updated 38 days ago.