Locator Kyiv Xiaomi display (screen) replacementXiaomi display (screen) replacement Kyiv

Xiaomi display (screen) replacement in Kyiv price starting from 500 uah

  • PRO

    Service center Masterfone

    MasterFon is a network of service centers for repairing mobile phones and tablets.
    Kyiv, Avenue Beresteyskyi

    Xiaomi display (screen) replacement-5%from 650 617

  • PRO

    Service center MasterFon

    MasterFon is a network of service centers for repairing mobile phones and tablets.
    Kyiv, Street Hetmana Pavla Polubotka

    Xiaomi display (screen) replacement-5%from 650 617

  • Service center Masterfone

    MasterFon is a network of service centers for repairing mobile phones and tablets.
    Kyiv, Avenue Beresteyskyi, tel. 0 (67) 218-77... show
    Kyiv, Avenue Beresteyskyi, 33/1, tel. +380(67)218-77-98 more

    Xiaomi display (screen) replacement-5%from 650 617

  • Service center MasterFon

    MasterFon is a network of service centers for repairing mobile phones and tablets.
    Street Hetmana Pavla Polubotka , tel. 0 (93) 756-13... show
    Street Hetmana Pavla Polubotka , 7а, tel. +380(93)756-13-22 more

    Xiaomi display (screen) replacement-5%from 650 617

  • M-FIX

    Street Knyazhy Zaton, tel. 0 (63) 422-83... show
    Street Knyazhy Zaton, 21, tel. +380(63)422-83-33 more

    Xiaomi display (screen) replacement750 ₴

    M-FIX located in Kyiv, Street Knyazhy Zaton. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 19:00.
  • FixLab

    Street Saperno-Slobidska, tel. 0 (63) 227-27... show
    Street Saperno-Slobidska, 10, tel. +380(63)227-27-28 more

    Xiaomi display (screen) replacement1000 ₴

    FixLab Service Center conducts professional high-quality repair of mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, computers and laptops! We can repair next brands: Apple, Samsung, Lenovo, Xiaomi, Meizu,...
  • Prosmart/IT-Service

    Street Levka Lukyanenko, tel. 0 (93) 580-40... show
    Street Levka Lukyanenko, 29б, tel. +380(93)580-40-03 more

    Xiaomi display (screen) replacement500 ₴

    All services are performed locally. Maintenance of laptops and computers of all famous brands. Reinstalling/installing Windows, eliminating overheating, replacing a hard drive, case repairs,...
  • FixLab

    Kyiv, Avenue Volodymyra Ivasyuka, tel. 0 (50) 227-27... show
    Kyiv, Avenue Volodymyra Ivasyuka, 27, tel. +380(50)227-27-28 more

    Xiaomi display (screen) replacement1000 ₴

    FixLab located in Kyiv, Avenue Volodymyra Ivasyuka. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 19:00.
  • BananaFix

    Street Antonovycha, tel. 0 (93) 742-24... show
    Street Antonovycha, 19/21, tel. +380(93)742-24-72 more

    Xiaomi display (screen) replacement-10%900 810

    Our masters specializes in the repair of smartphones and tablets manufacturers by Apple, OnePlus, Xiaomi, Meizu, Huawei, Asus, Motorola, Google, HonorSamsung,...
  • HelloService

    Street Bohdana Khmelnytskogo, tel. 0 (93) 177-55... show
    Street Bohdana Khmelnytskogo, 27/1, tel. +380(93)177-55-72 more

    Xiaomi display (screen) replacementprice unknown

    HelloService located in Kyiv, Street Bohdana Khmelnytskogo. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 19:00.
  • HelloService

    Street Yordanska, tel. 0 (93) 177-55... show
    Street Yordanska, 17а, tel. +380(93)177-55-87 more

    Xiaomi display (screen) replacementprice unknown

    HelloService located in Kyiv, Street Yordanska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 19:00.
  • HelloService

    Kharkivske Highway Highway, tel. 0 (93) 177-58... show
    Kharkivske Highway Highway, 2, tel. +380(93)177-58-86 more

    Xiaomi display (screen) replacementprice unknown

    HelloService located in Kyiv, Kharkivske Highway Highway. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 19:00.
  • HelloService

    Avenue Yevropeyskoho Soyuzu, tel. 0 (93) 177-55... show
    Avenue Yevropeyskoho Soyuzu, 45а, tel. +380(93)177-55-96 more

    Xiaomi display (screen) replacementprice unknown

    iFix Vinogradar - Apple and Android Service Center | Repair iPhone, iPad, MacBook, AirPods, Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi, Poco, Oppo, Vivo, OnePlus, Google Pixel, Realme, Motorola,...
  • HelloService

    Kyiv, Street Vasylkivska, tel. 0 (44) 300-25... show
    Kyiv, Street Vasylkivska, 32, tel. +380(44)300-25-68 more

    Xiaomi display (screen) replacementprice unknown

    HelloService located in Kyiv, Street Vasylkivska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 20:00.
  • HelloService

    Street Yevgena Sverstuka, tel. 0 (93) 177-55... show
    Street Yevgena Sverstuka, 2б, tel. +380(93)177-55-32 more

    Xiaomi display (screen) replacementprice unknown

    HelloService located in Kyiv, Street Yevgena Sverstuka. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 19:00.
  • Kagu IN.S

    Street Dragomanova, tel. 0 (93) 621-97... show
    Street Dragomanova, 2, tel. +380(93)621-97-19 more

    Xiaomi display (screen) replacementprice unknown

    Kagu IN.S was located in the heart of Kyiv, on Mykhailo Dragomanov Street, 2 - it is not just a service center, but a symbol of high-quality repair of appliances. We have been working for you since...
  • Сервисный центр "Askand"

    Street Georgiya Kirpy, tel. 0 (73) 123-33... show
    Street Georgiya Kirpy, 2а, tel. +380(73)123-33-03 more

    Xiaomi display (screen) replacementprice unknown

    Сервисный центр "Askand" located in Kyiv, Street Georgiya Kirpy. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 19:00.
  • Pear Service Сервисный центр по ремонту смартфонов

    Street Tarasivska, tel. 0 (68) 828-45... show
    Street Tarasivska, 12, tel. +380(68)828-45-54 more

    Xiaomi display (screen) replacementprice unknown

    Pear Service Сервисный центр по ремонту смартфонов located in Kyiv, Street Tarasivska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 19:00.

A brief overview of xiaomi display (screen) replacement in Kyiv

This page contains all the companies that provide the service xiaomi display (screen) replacement, located in Kyiv. Locator knows about seventeen companies like this near this place among them Service center Masterfone, Service center MasterFon, M-FIX and other , which are located on ave. Beresteyskyi, st. Hetmana Pavla Polubotka , st. Knyazhy Zaton and other streets near. Here you will find the exact addresses, location map, ☎️ telephones, working hours, reviews on the companies that provide the service Xiaomi display (screen) replacement.

  • How many xiaomi display (screen) replacement in Kyiv?

    According to Locator data in Kyiv operates 17 xiaomi display (screen) replacement.

  • Which xiaomi display (screen) replacement are best in Kyiv?

    Locator recommends to visit the following xiaomi display (screen) replacement in Kyiv: Service center Masterfone, Service center MasterFon, M-FIX.

  • Where are the nearest xiaomi display (screen) replacement in Kyiv to me?

    To find out which xiaomi display (screen) replacement is closest to you, go to the Xiaomi display (screen) replacement in Kyiv price starting from 500 uah page and bring the Locator map closer to your location or click on the geolocation icon in the map control unit at the bottom right.

  • What are the prices for xiaomi display (screen) replacement services in Kyiv?

    Prices for xiaomi display (screen) replacement services in Kyiv depend on the specific service and xiaomi display (screen) replacement. Locator allows all xiaomi display (screen) replacement to specify prices for their services. To find out about them, go to the link on the service page or see the prices on the specific xiaomi display (screen) replacement page.

  • Which xiaomi display (screen) replacement services in Kyiv are better to use?⭐

    We recommend that you contact xiaomi display (screen) replacement, which has a high rating according to Locator: Service center Masterfone, Service center MasterFon, M-FIX.

  • How to contact these xiaomi display (screen) replacement?

    You can see the contacts for communication with these xiaomi display (screen) replacement pharmacies by going to their page. Locator provides the opportunity to contact by phone, email, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and through internal messages on the site Locator.

Xiaomi display (screen) replacement in Kyiv

Xiaomi display (screen) replacement by district Kyiv:

Xiaomi display (screen) replacement by near subway:

Darnitsa, Livoberezhna, Minska, Obolon, Osokorky, Politekhnichnyi institute, Poznyaky, Universytet, Vasylkivska, Vokzalna