Locator Kyiv Notaries Shevchenkivskyi district Notary Yeschenko Dana Myroslavivna

Notary Yeschenko Dana Myroslavivna

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890 m to subway show
10:30-18:30 more
2023.05.15 Data updated
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Notary Yeschenko Dana Myroslavivna

We have electricity all the time!

Notaries explain to the people who apply to them (“the parties”) their rights and obligations, warn about the consequences of notarial acts. At the request of citizens, government agencies, enterprises and public organizations, notaries draw up draft transactions and statements, make copies of documents and extracts from them.

Notary Yeschenko Dana Myroslavivna (Kyiv) - Notaries located in Kyiv by address: Sichovyh Striltsiv, 103, Lukjanivka, Shevchenkivskyi district, Right bank, near subway Lukjanivska. Notary Yeschenko Dana Myroslavivna provides such services: apostil, making changes to documents, amending the charter, opening of an envelope with a closed will and announcement of a closed will, and other.

today Notary Yeschenko Dana Myroslavivna works on schedule: 10:30-18:30. This business has no reviews yet on Locator, but you can help other users by leaving a review if you have experience with this organization.

This company's data on Locator was updated 357 days ago.