Locator Kyiv Nail studios Pecherskyi district Beauty studio "HAPPY nail house"

Beauty studio "HAPPY nail house"

+380 (50) 333-74-... show phone
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210 m to subway show
10:00-21:00 more
2020.02.05 Data updated
оцінка 5.0 from 5 based on 1 review
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from 1500 ₴

Nail Art Aesthetics

Eyebrows and eyelashes design


1 review

Beauty studio "HAPPY nail house"

Over 30,000 manicures in 5 years.
Over 3,000 customers.
Masters with experience of 3 years.
It all started with a love of beautiful arms and legs)
That was the beginning of our beauty project, which was created with love and creative inspiration. Having assembled a team of experienced masters, we opened a studio providing quality nail services. Over time, success and positive customer reviews inspired us to expand our services.
In addition to the nail service with us you will find the following services:
- microblading eyebrows,
- lamination, modeling and coloring of eyebrows and eyelashes,
- eyelash extensions,
- makeup
- massage
- hairstyles.


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Beauty studio "HAPPY nail house" (Kyiv) - Nail studios located in Kyiv by address: Luteranska, 6б, Downtown, Pecherskyi district, Right bank, near subway Khreschatyk. Beauty studio "HAPPY nail house" provides such services: eyelash, eyebrow styling, eyebrow dyeing, eyebrow correction, and other.

today Beauty studio "HAPPY nail house" works on schedule: 10:00-21:00. According reviews on Locator this business has following rating 5.0 (as much as possible - 5), which is based on 1 reviews, and the last review was left 11-02-2020 (1547 days ago).

You can connect with Beauty studio "HAPPY nail house" by following telephone number: +380 (50) 333-74-55.

This company's data on Locator was updated 1553 days ago.